Mariano Gonzalez Roglich
Country Director - Argentina
Mariano González Roglich, PhD (Argentina program Director) is native from Rio Negro, Argentina. Mariano holds a doctorate in environmental sciences and policy (Duke University), a master’s in interdisciplinary ecology (Florida University), and bachelor’s in natural resource management (Universidad Nacional de La Pampa, Argentina). Prior to joining WCS, Mariano worked at Conservation International’s Center for Science, where he led the development of analysis and tools for identifying conservation and restoration priorities. Mariano has over 20 years of scientific, conservation, and capacity building experience globally, primarily in the Americas and Africa.
Andrés Novaro
Land Conservation Director
Andrés is a researcher in the Argentine National Research Council (CONICET) and has spearheaded WCS’ conservation and research in the Patagonian and Andean Steppe since 1999. He studied the effects of hunting on culpeo foxes for his PhD at the University of Florida. He has led research and conservation action related to ecological extinction of native wildlife, guanaco migrations, and predator-livestock conflict, and mentored numerous graduate and undergraduate students. He received a Whitley Fund for Nature award in 2005 for leading a WCS team working with government and oil companies to close oil roads that provided access to remote areas where wildlife had been decimated by poaching. He has been a key participant in the launching of and planning for the WCS Karukinka landscape in Chile, conservation planning for the steppe’s biodiversity, development of sustainable livestock practices, mitigation of extractive industry impacts, and strengthening of protected areas.
Valeria Falabella
Marine Conservation Director
In her first 10 years as Marine Biologist, Valeria Falabella worked on marine mammal’s research, ecology and diving behavior. During four years (1999-2003) her work was focused on scientific transference as the Scientific Coordinator at the EcoCentro Museum, in Patagonia. Since 2004, she works on marine conservation as the Assistant Director of the Sea and Sky Project. She manages the marine GIS database of WCS-Sea and Sky in order to identify priority oceanic areas and design spatial conservation tools for the management and conservation of the Patagonian Sea Ecosystem biodiversity. The main goal is the establishment of management plan for the Patagonian Sea, including MPA and a network of areas under special management regimes. She is also a member of the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA).
Angela Liliana Droescher Guerrero
Finance and Administration Manager
Graduated in Business Administration from the Universidad del Rosario (Colombia) and M.Fin Candidate from the Universidad Torcuato di Tella (Argentina). She has more than 15 years leading teams in financial and operational areas in companies from different industries, especially in the technology sector. Currently, she is in charge of the Administration and Finance Area of WCS Argentina and is responsible for the efficient and transparent management of the organization's financial resources at the local level.
Carina Fernandez Righi
Counter wildlife trafficking Coordinator
Biologist specialized in ecology and conservation, with a master's degree in environmental management and a Diploma in Environmental Law. Before joining WCS, Carina worked in various NGOs in the Country, leading species conservation programs, commitments with the government, civil society and the private sector. She has worked for 20 years in various research and conservation projects with marine and terrestrial species. She has been a member of various regional and global zoological associations. Her experience is extensive in the field of wildlife rehabilitation centers, networks against wildlife trafficking, such as the Argentine Network Against Illegal Wild Species Traffic. She has collaborated in various government initiatives to mitigate wildlife trafficking, being a member of CONADIBIO, government work groups and developing strong links at the regional and global level for actions against the illegal wildlife trade.
Claudia Pap
Accountant & Auditor
Claudia Pap graduated as an Accountant in 1996. She worked in an accounting studio in Puerto Madryn, Chubut between 1996 and 1997 and between 1997 and 2005 in Trelew . As from 2005 she has run her own accounting studio. Between 1996 and 2000 taught Accounting and Auditing, Taxes at the Economic Sciences University of the Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia. She is the accountant for WCS Argentina since 2007.
Florencia Lemoine
Communications Manager
Degree in Institutional Communication (Universidad Nacional de La Plata) and Master in Marketing and Branding (Universidad de San Andrés). To the present, Florencia has dedicated almost 2 decades to communication on environmental issues in Argentina and Latin America, working with civil society organizations, B-Corporations and communication agencies in the development and coordination of Communication, Press, Branding and People strategies. Currently, she´s responsible for designing and implementing the communications of WCS Agentina to contribute to the conservation targets of the Program.
Guillermo Harris
Senior Conservacionist
Graduated as a veterinarian in the Buenos Aires University, is also a wildlife artist and writer. Based at the Wildlife Conservation Society’s field station at Golfo San José, on the coast of Patagonia between 1981 and 1991 writing and illustrating field guides on local wildlife. On staff with WCS since 1992, was named WCS Country Director for Argentina in 2000. Directed projects funded by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) aimed at strengthening management and wildlife conservation on the coast of Patagonia from 1993 to 2014. These projects were instrumental in the reduction of oiling of Magellanic penguins at sea and in the creation of the first marine park in Argentina, a 1,100 square kilometer coastal marine protected in the north of Golfo San Jorge, in 2009. Author of Princeton's "Guide to the birds and mammals of coastal Patagonia" and co-author of Acindar's two tome "Nueva Guía de Aves Argentinas". Harris received the Bay and Paul Biodiversity Leadership award in 2005 and WCS’s Conway Fellowship award in 2008.
Juan Martín Cuevas
Sharks and Ray Conservation Coordinator
Juan Martín Cuevas joined WCS Argentina in late 2015, to develop and implement a program of work on sharks and rays in the Patagonian Sea. Juan Martín received his Licentiate in Biological Sciences from Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata (UNdMP) in Argentina, his MSc in Zoology from Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz (UESC) in Brazil and completed his PhD in Natural Sciences from Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP) in Argentina, with his Thesis titled Conservation tools for chondrichthyans in the Argentine Sea. In addition to his own field research, Juan Martín's priorities for the new program are networking with regional experts and assessing the current state of knowledge of species and fisheries, identifying data gaps, and developing a set of priorities for a five-year program of work, including research priorities.
Lara Heidel
Land Conservation Coordinator and Spatial Planning Analyst
She has a degree in biological sciences from the Universidad de Buenos Aires and her areas of professional interest are ecology and spatial planning with emphasis on the interaction between people and wildlife, the search for alternatives to the conflicts between conservation and production, and evaluation and mitigation of the impacts of the climate change on wildlife. She was chosen to participate in the 2009-2010 class of Emerging Leaders in Wildlife Conservation, sponsored by the Gilman Foundation, Defenders of Wildlife, USFWS, IFAW, and the Wildlife Conservation Network. She is a founding member and former president of a local NGO, Conservación Patagónica, based in San Martín de los Andes.